Sweets, music and friends in Berlin
Friday, October 9, 2009
From my favorite confectionery store, Fugetsu-Do, located in the Downtown area of Los Angeles (They've switched to Fall colors):

Also, did I tell you that I went to see 'Whip it!' last weekend? It very much falls under the 'chic-flick' category but I recommend it highly! Drew Barrymore is adorable and so is Ellen Page, but the scene stealers for me were Zoe Bell and Juliette Lewis. I'm a huge fan of strong female role models. The film also has a great soundtrack. Jens Lekman to the Ramones... and this one here that I'd never heard before (beautiful!):
Lastly, if you happen to be in Berlin from the 10th of October through the 6th of December be sure to visit my dear friend Maggie... actually it's the work of the amazing Ofer Wolberger at the C|O Berlin. Details available *HERE*.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!♥ (I'll be back on Tuesday!!)
Also, did I tell you that I went to see 'Whip it!' last weekend? It very much falls under the 'chic-flick' category but I recommend it highly! Drew Barrymore is adorable and so is Ellen Page, but the scene stealers for me were Zoe Bell and Juliette Lewis. I'm a huge fan of strong female role models. The film also has a great soundtrack. Jens Lekman to the Ramones... and this one here that I'd never heard before (beautiful!):
Lastly, if you happen to be in Berlin from the 10th of October through the 6th of December be sure to visit my dear friend Maggie... actually it's the work of the amazing Ofer Wolberger at the C|O Berlin. Details available *HERE*.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!♥ (I'll be back on Tuesday!!)
Hi Gabbi! Fugetsu-Do looks like they have delicious things! ...doctors orders are that I can not have anything solid for the next 2-3 days....do you think Fugetsu-Do would make me something liquid? hehe! Have a great weekend!
Ah, I just saw Whip-it too! I loved it. I don't think it's a chick flick, b/c it's very feministic and the girl doesn't end up with the boy. Most chick flicks have very humiliating messages for women...
May I have some of those treats?
You have a great weekend, too, Gabbi! :)
So many highly recommend Whip-it...definitely must watch it!
Have a wonderful weekend Gabbi...
What a lovely lullaby of a tune Gabbi could almost imagine it on a uke too..
I can't wait to see that film.
Life with Maggie is amazing-I have just looked at all of it-so beautiful and interesting. Lovely images to start my Saturday with thanks! Have a great weekend. I sent the parcels off yesterday so I hope they don't take too long to reach their destinations!
Have a wonderful weekend. Gracias por tu amable comentario, eres un sol.
Oooh! YOu saw "Whip It"! Goody - I can't wait - and I'm with you - Juliette Lewis is fantastic! What a gal! Love those sweeties - and Maggie - must investigate her blog - I've seen her in your posts in the past....Have a lovely lovely weekend sweetie! XOXO
I can't wait to watch Whip It!, it looks like so much fun!
And I can also recommend the "My life with Maggie" exhibition!
Have a lovely weekend Gabbi!xoxo
What delicious treats, darling Gabbi!
I have always wanted to visit Berlin...
Great post!
hmmm ... glad you liked whip it .. im feeling a b it silly i swore to everyone that would suck but it ad gotten pretty good reviews.
im usually right though oh well .. igot to cocky perhaps .. haha
Ohmigosh I adore that song! You have just made me a huge fan of Little Joy. I imagine it would be lovely to listen to it while indulging in some of those scrummy treats! :)
Oh, I'm craving for those pastries now.
Oh, I want to see Whip It!! I'm glad you liked it.
juliette lewis is such a weirdo! that is why i want to see whip it -- just to see what she does!
p.s. i love weirdos.
hope you are having a great weekend!
I want to see Whip It so bad!! It looks amazingg
Qué voz tan dulce, la de Little Joy! Buscaré algo suyo por la red...
thanks! ;P
It seems like you have so many awesome friends all over the place, what a great opportunity for friendships.
I want to watch Whip-It, and I totally trust your recommendation!
Oh yummy, those sweets look delicious!
Mmmmmm, Those look heavenly!
The candies are beautiful! I really want to see Whip It. I love that Ellen Page and Drew Barymore (and perhaps many of the other actresses) did all of their own stunts. Talented, beautiful, and tough!
Whip-it was great and those treats look yummy!
Yum - those sweets are making my stomach growl
Loved the movie...and the music...and that photo...so many symbols in there...I must go off and investigate further...thanks dear girl...you always inspire me...
Dear Gabbi! I love that song it really is simply BEAUTIFUL!
thanks so much for sharing. Now I know what cds to look for!
See you on Tuesday!
Oh, I really want to see Whip It! It looks so good!
Have a great weekend, Gabbi - and do come back soon ^_^
I want to check out that movie....I LOVE Drew Barrymore
Hey there. I hope you've been enjoying the weekend. I've given your blog an award on my Sugar & Spice blog. It's in my latest post. Your blog is awesome. Cheers!
I saw Whip It this weekend and loved it! While very funny and endearing, I found the feminist attitude to be what stole the show. It's easily become one of my favorite films of the year :)
Gabbi, Thanks for the visit! I love that music video! So pretty.
Oh lovely, sweet treats! I've not heard of Whip-it, gonna look out for that:)
Another fantastic musical find! You are my music guru. Exquisite taste in music, my love.
I have to research this Whip It movie.
aww beautiful pics ! yummm ! oh hope you had a nice weekend :D
I just saw Whip-it today and loved it!!! I want out rush out and buy the soundtrack now. I also want to rummage around the op-shops (I think they're called thrift shops over there) for a pair of roller skates!
hope you had a good weekend gabbi! the confectionery store looks yummy to say the least.
sweets look yummy, although i dont eat sweets, they look yummy and appealing...tnx for the movie recommendation, i will watch it as soon as it will be available for downloading...
Omy my my! those sweets are quite drool worthy, they look so amazing.
I'm glad to know this movie was good...I too like Drew and Ellen Page, Ellen used to live in the city I just moved from..you'd see her around at her fav restaurant and coffee shops. She's really cool. Its nice to see a local from Canada hitting it big in the movies for a change!
fantastic music video. thank you for sharing!
Hi gabbi :D
I saw whip-it too! I love it <3
I hope you had a great weekend dear
nice post u have sista...
love to read it
Thanks sweet Gabbi,
they start signing in as LENORENEVERMORE that's super creepy, I'm not computer savvy, but how could they register under the same name as mine?! well, hope we have a lovely day, shall we...
I really MUST get to Fugetsu-Do soon.
Funny, I was going to go see Whip It tonight with a friend - girls' night out of course.
Gabbi! I don't know if you got the last comment (or was it an email? I don't remember) I sent you but I wanted to let you know that you won the Shira Sela giveaway I posted on my blog. Please email me with your address so that Shira can mail you your print. :)
My email is: ccmillan@yahoo.com
Hope you are having a lovely week.
Those sweets look delicious! I can never get enough sugar!
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