Me voy pa'l pueblo

Friday, November 7, 2008

I found this about a year ago at a Veteran's Thirft Shop, dated 1988 and titled with 'La Habana'. I’ve never been to Cuba, but whenever I see this photo I try to imagine what they might have been thinking about as they looked longingly across the sea…

La Habana 1988

Songs to set the Cuban mood:

'Esperanza Inútil' (Useless Hope) by Daniel Santos y La Sonora Matancera and 'Me voy pa'l pueblo' (I'm going to town) by Beny Moré.

Thank you to my good friend Michiko for introducing me to Beny!


Anonymous said...

this is nice.. its a bit pinkish in color- no? i like it. and the soundtrack is a nice addition:)

lune_blanc said...

You're welcome Gabbi, I love latin music :)
Beautiful photo and lovely soundtrack.

Gabbi said...

~Thank you dear Asherette, :) It is a little pink isn't it? I keep it in a sunless spot, but Im thinking whoever had it before me didn't...but it kind of added to the charm of it for me.

~I love Beny's song dear Michiko, as you know I played that song for my mother after you sent it to me and she knew it and sang along, but then later she told me this great story about my uncle Alfonso who would walk around the fields of their farm in Mexico singing that song...he was dreaming about leaving for bigger cities which he later did. He was the one in their family who did the most travelling (and at a very young age, not even 13 yet). Your song triggered this great story being shared with me and now everytime I hear it I imagine my uncle planning his escape :) Thank you again!

Alan said...

Bonita esa historia con 'Me voy pa'l pueblo'. Tenía un disco de Benny Moré: "Camarera, camareraaa...". También me gustó la canción de La Sonora y la foto de la bahía. Nice post.

Gabbi said...

gracias g! me gusta el titulo del disco que mencionas....en ingles seria 'waitress, waitress....' pero se oye mucho mejor en espanol verdad :) tambien los titilos de las canciones en ingles no suenan igual?

oye, que suave estuvo tu post de neil y carrol....

lune_blanc said...

Wow, thank you for sharing that story Gabbi, and I'm glad the song I sent triggered it!
I'll send some more songs by Beny soon, when I reply to your e-mail.
But none of them will sound as special as Me voy pa'l pueblo, for sure :)

Gabbi said...

That's sweet, thank you Michiko...can't wait to hear more of Beny! :) Hope you're having a nice weekend!

Alan said...

'Me voy pa'l pueblo' suena familiar. El título completo de la otra canción en inglés creo que es 'Waitress of Love' (Camarera del amor).

Tu post de Carroll (Lewis) estuvo simpático :)

{Tara} said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I love the Alice/rabbit re-enactment below!

Gabbi said...

~hola g :) el conejo blas tiene mucha personalidad verdad?...tambien tengo unas palomitas blancas, pero todavia no estoy segura que tipo de disfras o obra seria buena para ellos?

~thank you tara, i love your blog, happy to have found it! little blas is a superb actor isn't he, it was actually his debut...impressive right? :)

IKS said...

oh Cuba. who wouldnt like to go there! and for me it is so far that i cant even look at it as guys on a photo...

Gabbi said...

Cuba isn't for everyone I guess :) but thank you for stopping by and commenting Geisha...hope you're feeling better?


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