7 Things
Monday, November 10, 2008
I’ve been tagged by Mothersvea and apparently this is how it works: You have to link to the person who tagged you (thank you Mothersvea!), You have to write 7 things about yourself (both strange and normal things), You have to tag 7 people (but I only have 4) and link to them at the end of the post and you have to leave a comment on their blog....easy enough right? :)
1. When I watch a movie that I'm really into, I type the dialogue on an invisible keyboard (like air guitar but the arm rest to the couch plays the role of the keyboard) and I don't even realize I'm doing it, unless it's pointed out to me.
2. Once I'm deep in sleep, it's almost impossible to wake me up...yet if you ask me a question I'll answer you, but I'm still asleep. I'll engage in a convoluted conversation that I won't remember.
3. I can reach into boiling water or sizzling oil with my finger tips and pull out food without burning myself. One of my many impressive talents...developed from years of stealing spaghetti and fries :)
4. The smell of skunk is supposed to be repulsive, but to me it's pleasant. Is it just me? It reminds me of when we'd drive up the winding streets of Pasadena to visit my aunt and cousins on summer evenings when I was a little girl...I remember sticking my head out the car window and breathing it in the trees (this was before seat belt laws).
5. My favorite thing to eat is grapes. In the film 'Pans Labyrinth', Ofelia wakes the sleeping monster because she can't resist a luscious grape--I probably would've done the same...
6. I have a superstitious obsessive compulsive thing when it comes to the car radio...the numbers on the volume of the digital tuner must be set to one of the following numbers: 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, 32, 37 or else I feel uneasy.
7. Twice I've won something on the radio. The first time in 1993, it was the Hollywood premiere of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and tickets to an Oingo Boingo concert. The second time was a Christmas tree, about 7 years ago...but they never sent me the tree!
I’d love to learn more about you all!
i was laughing seeing the photo with the 2 girls with christmas tree....
It's so clever.
Thank you for the tag.
Great list ahaha!! I'm amazed with your ability not to burn yourself!!
well you have some talents of what! it was cute and interesting finding out this things about you :D
and vis a vis this 7 tings tagging ... we had it couple years ago on our national blog community and it was called meeming :D so you were meemed:D
Well dear Gabbi, you are as flaky as me! lol
I enjoyed reading the list too much, and God I love the photo of two men, made me lagh so much!
Thanks for this and also for tagging me, I'll have to think what I should write on the list....
Best list ever! Hihi:)
number one- is truly original.. i've never witnessed anything like that before and i am happy to hear that you are a bit obsessive compulsive- because all the good ones usually are.. oh, and i must confess that i like the smell of skunk too..thanks for the tag- i'll get to it soon.
~Thank you dear Chloé! :) Don't they look cute with those trees on thier heads...xoxo
~It was a hard earned skill Mothersvea! But my love of undercooked pasta and potatoes made me do it...thank you again for the tag, it made me write about myself and I'm usually very shy about things like that.
~Meeming is a cute word Geisha! Cuter than tagging maybe? Thank you for your kind words, I'm adding your blog to my favorite places!
~Thank you dear Michiko :) I love that photo of the guy sleeping too...my sister used to do stuff like that to me all the time when we lived together! I can't wait to read your 7 things...
~Thank you Frida :) I still love your name...!
~It started in highschool dear Asherette...I was taking a typing class and I didn't have a type writer at home so I would pretend to type on an imaginary keyboard, and then it just stuck :) I'm glad I'm not alone with the skunk smell...I always tell everyone that it smells a bit like coffee to me but it's not completely true...can't wait to read your 7 tihngs also!
hello Gabbi
me too I love the photo of two men, and the list is very amusing
I like n°6...
Aprendí la palabra "skunk". Algo parecido me ocurre con el olor de los establos. Son muy curiosas las 7 things, Gabbi, sobre todo las dos primeras. Gracias por el tag.
~thank you dear nora, i am really sort of neurotic aren't i? :)
~gracias g, cuando dices establos te refieres a donde estan los caballos? a mi tambien me gusta...pero como te puedes imaginar me encantan los caballos. mi tio tenia uno hace mucho tiempo...
Tienen que gustarte los caballos, como buena cowgirl. Me refería al ganado, estaba acordándome del ganado de mi tío, así que es algo parecido
si, parte de ser buena cowgirl es disfrutar el olor del ganado y de los caballos...los mofetas no tanto pero a la mejor me dan 'bonus points' por eso? :)
Very charming...
~As are you dear Rabbit :)
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