Friends, awards and a week's worth of reds...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

'Gabriela' by Sam of Matou en Peluche. Isn't she charming? Not only do we share the name but she's also wearing my favorite color! I'm truly a fan of Sam's work, it's beautiful and full of character. She has such a talent for conveying subtle expression and emotion:

Our friendly neighborhood Ladybug/Ladybird:

Green tea yogurt with watermelon and mochi:
(yummiest thing I ate all week)


Along with snagging her illustration I also want to share the 'Honest Scrap' award that I was recently given by my amazing friend Sam of Matou en Peluche. The award comes with instructions that we are to share ‘Ten things you don't know about me’. Thank you so much Sam, there was something slightly cathartic to this tag!

(1) Sincerely believe that when I see a hummingbird I’m going to have a good day. (2) Really lazy when it comes to cutting my finger nails but have to keep them short because of all the work related typing I do. (3) When people tell me what to do I often feel like doing the opposite. (4) Recently had a friend/coworker who is 9 years younger than me ask me out. I said no because of the age thing (mostly) but now have a huge crush on him (which I didn’t have before). (5) Nearsighted but only wear my glasses to concerts so I can see the stage or if driving to a place I don’t know and need to read the signs. (6) I love dogs but am afraid of big ones. (7) Even though I love kids I’m not sure if I ever want to have any. (8) Really like high-strung slightly neurotic people because they make me feel calm and normal. (9) Not athletic at all and have extremely bad hand eye coordination. Please don’t ask me to catch or throw anything. (10) When people ask me if I have kids I want to say ‘No, but I have a cat’.

I also recently received the 'Kreativ Blog' award from the always stylish Kelley Anne, the 'One Lovely Blog' Award from the genius mathematician Christiana and the 'Blog Lovin' award from the fantastically creative Anna. Thank you so much girls, I’m a huge fan of all your blogs! Passing all of these awards back to you and also to all of the following friends and favorites…

The Clothes Horse, Sam, Miriam, Carrie, Natalie, Diana, Janelle, Christina, Anna, Francesca, Maddie E., Mondo, Keith, Christiana, Tracy, Kelley Anne, Susann Romy, Elizabeth, Lenore, Cara.

Hope you're all having a wonderfully 'cool' weekend! *bises*


Maddie said...

aw, you're such a sweetheart!! :) i love this post and i'm definitely going to check out these other bloggers. thank you so much!!
p.s., you deserve all of those awards, your blog is truly fantastic!

Kelley Anne said...

Thanks! Its always fun to learn more about my favorite bloggers.

Just out of curiosity, do you use photoshop? Since I'm being forced to buy a new computer, I'm looking into it. Thanks again:)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Ooooh...I'm smiling ear to ear Gabbi!
Thank you so much!! Love the company That I'm in...all those beautiful bloggers! ...but must say I'm prettiest one in the picture though!! ...hee-hee!{kiddin'*)

~Enjoy your weekend...& XO*

drollgirl said...

bah!!! i loved reading more about YOU!!! we have so much in common. SO MUCH, and i am cracking up!

congratulations, and thank you so much for passing these awards on to me! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

and i hope you are having a great weekend!

Couture Carrie said...

Awww thank you darling!

To #4 ~ wow, maybe you should reconsider and date the young bloke!

T #4 ~ I am so with you!

Love all the Fellow Fashionista pics and sketch by Matou en Pelouche!


Gabbi said...

~ Thank you so much Maddie! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend ♥

~ Thank you Kelley♥ I used Adobe ImageReady and also sometimes the ‘Picnik’ app on Flickr, depends if I’m at home or not and also I’m not really good at ImageReady so sometimes things are just easier on Picnick. Hope the weekend is going really well…

~ You are pretty gorgeous dear Lenore… you’re also one of my favorite colors! Hope you’re having a great weekend. Thank you♥xo

~ Thank you Janelle! I honestly was afraid of scaring people away with a couple of those… :D Wishing you an awesome rest of the weekend♥

~ Thank you dearest CC! Isn’t Sam amazing… I love her ‘Gabriela’ and I also love your advice on #4, he makes me both happy and nervous! (*sigh*) Hope you’re having a splendid weekend♥xo

~ I love Ladybugs, thank you Style Bird!

Sam said...

Oh Gabbi!! *big smile* Thank you sweetie!! Ladybird - very pretty - I wonder why? ...and the 10 things - such a treat to get to know the inner Gabbi in more depth!!! No. 3 - Oh my! So with you on that little number!! :) No.4 Used to do that compulsively before I met my boyfriend! True!! No.6 Yes sir!! Adore the little ones though. No. 7 Yes!!! I wonder if I'm "normal" in this regard all the time!! We have very much in common! Lovely, lovely weekend to you and George and thank you again for the art love and awards!! XXX

miriam said...

oh hun, you're too sweet! cool that you used that photo : ) have a lovely weekend! xx.

Gabbi said...

~ I LOVE your ‘Gabriela’ dear Sam and really did enjoy doing the honest scrap award… and then I had a ball going back and forth seeing the numbers you were commenting on! Thank you so much Sam, you’re an awesome friend. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend also, George sends his ♥!!xo

~ Thank you dear Miriam!♥ I love that photo of you. It’s quite obvious that you’re an extremely neat person just from the smile. You know, I wonder what your twin brother looks like? So nosey…. ;D

Katia said...

Thanks for your comment :) Those deserts look deliciously healthy ! yum

Elizabeth Marie said...

Gabbi! Biggest smile ever right now over here, thank you so much!! You are SO thoughtful in every thing that you do, truly amazing and inspiring and I just adore you!

I LOVED reading more about you!! #4 is SO CUTE! Keep me posted :) And I am with you on the kids thing-I don't know either...we have so much in common!

Seriously, this just made my night-and the company I keep-love most of them already and can't wait to get to know the rest-if they are a favorite of yours they must kickass!

I hope you are having a great weekend...where is that yogurt from?! I've been on a pinkberry binge but need some new places to try! XOXO!! Liz

Chrisy said...

I loved reading this post...I've no doubt there are many young guys linin up for you girl!...if you wanted them! Can so relate to many of your observations about yourself...ta so much for the entertainment!

muchlove said...

Thank you so much for the awards!! You are so sweet :)
Even sweeter than those delicious-looking yogurt!
I enjoyed reading your 10 things, it's great to learn a little bit more about you. Ooh, a younger crush? Go out with him! Hehe, although my advice may not be best, seeing I can't even remember the last time a guy asked me out, boo..


yiqin; said...

OMG the yoghurt looks good. Congrats on the award :D

Hey Harriet said...

Sam's Gabriela is gorgeous! I like the look of that green tea yogurt with watermelon! I very much enjoyed getting to know you a little better via your list. I could relate to a few of those on there. Hey when people ask if you have kids I don't see a problem with you saying 'no, but I have a cat' :)

Congrats on all of those well deserved awards! And thanks ever so much for passing them along to me. Nice choice of pic you used for me :) You are such a sweetie!!! Tracy xo

Mondo said...

Thanks so much for the award - what a great start to my holiday (or vacation) - 10 things about me. I must change my profile for something more seasonal x

Keith said...

Hey Gabbi. Thanks so much. I appreciate it. It was a long night last night. I drank too much beer. So which award did you give me? Thanks. Take care. Enjoy your Sunday. Cheers!

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Congrats for the awards...

Hope you have a lovely Sunday, much love: Evi

Unknown said...

That is a lovely sketch xxx

Kelley Anne said...

Thanks for the info! My Mac was too old for any photo editing programs, but now that I have a new pc...I'm looking into programs so I can play around with collages and borders on the pics. It definitely wasn't too long--I'm interested in whatever advice you have to offer:)

Elizabeth Marie said...

Hi it's my turn to swing by and say hi! I hope your Sunday was great! I am finally feeling all better-interview at 12 tomorrow!

Without sounding too are such a favorite-biggest heart I have seen in the blogosphere and life, actually.

I hope this week is great for you Gabbi! XOXO

Christina said...

you're too sweet, thank you so much. these make my day, i'll be sure to pass them along soon:)
hope you're having a good monday!

Brinja said...

Uhm, those ice creams looks almost healthy!

StyleRoulette said...

Green tea yogurt... I wanna try that one! I'm a green tea lover :) Oh, the photo of the ladybug is so pretty. lol I tend to do the opposite of what they tell me to do, and I suck at sport too jajaja
Sincerely Louie, Caio!

Diana said...

Thank you! i feel the exact same way when people ask me about kids!

natalie said...

Thank you so much Gabbi, you're such a sweetheart! I loved reading your list. :)


Kelley Anne said...

Agatha Christie is amazing! I hope you enjoy that stack of books:) I love library book sales.

Fashion Personality said...

the ladybird is so cute! :)

beauty comma said...

That was a fun read! I also love the Ladybug - it's so great that there are a few insects that actually are just sweet.

Unknown said...

Number 4 - GABBI! How could you! Now you have to bite the bullet and ask him out. I cannot believe you said no. It's all in the mind ;)

Unknown said...

lovely post! :) and i really love the pictures.. LOL


Rebecca said...

What neat facts about you! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that look so yummy! I love yogurt and fruits:)

Diary of a Young Designer said...

Sweet post. I love reading posts like these because you get to know the blogger so much better and relate to common things. I also have horrid hand-eye coordination and answer I have a dog whenever asked if I have kids or am I married. =) I def don't want kids for some reason, I'd love to adopt though.


Certain Creatures said...

Hi Gabbi!!!
Thank you so much or the awards!! I finally have some time to update my blog today ;) hurray!!
the thesis is all I'm getting around to these days :(
Loved reading your 10 things about me!
til soon


IKS said...

again wonderful design and interesting reading :) i really love to come here :) *bises*

sealaura said...

Love the new header Gabbi. I love your ever changing designs. When it comes to kids, I too feel compelled to tell people about Norm. I 'm sure they think I am nuts. Ha!

Love reading your blog and getting to you know more, I just wish you were my neighbor so we could chat and start that non dancing/non cooking Latina support group. :)

Couture Carrie said...

Hi Gabbi my darling ~ thanks for all your wonderful comments!


Cafe Fashionista said...

I sincerely adore that illustration. It's simply too gorgeous to resist. I think I should love to have Sam's illustrations covering every bare spot on my bedroom walls. What a delightful thing, to wake up to such elegance each and every morning! :)


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