(My) Submission
to the Shadow Gallery
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A great project run by the wonderful Tracy♥ of Hey Harriet. The Gallery is open to anyone who would like to participate and the extremely easy requisites to join can be read *HERE*.

Sources: One of my favorite books. I'm also a fan of the first publication but while reading this scroll version I developed the biggest crush on Jack Kerouac. Very much recommended.
Thank you so much again dear Tracy♥!!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Thank you so much again dear Tracy♥!!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
i've always been interested in reading this! i need to check it out! i'm gettin caught up on all of your posts today :) i feel like i've been so out of the loop the past week or two. hope you're having the best sunday ever, dear gabbi! <3
I've actually never heard of this one, but I want to read it now! Should I read the old one first?!
Es mi libro preferido!!!!! Este verano estuve en San Francisco y visité el Vesubio, un bar que frecuentaban Kerouac y otros escritores beat... qué grande!
Wow! I've read the book....what is the scroll version? It sounds exciting!! It has alovely orangey coloured cover too - very pretty shot as always!
Hope you're feeling a bit more chipper sweetie - thinking of you and sending you healing thoughts!! Sam XX
I read that book a long time ago and loved it! I must now investigate this scroll version. I hadn't heard of it! Thankfully by the comments here I can see I'm not the only one who wasn't aware of it. A very creative shadow shot Gabbi!
Hope you're feeling better and your week ahead will be a happy and healthy one!
Thx for yhe recommendation
i'll try to find this book
;) happy week dear Gabbi!
lovely pic
I'm ashamed to say it Gabbi, but I've never read On The Road..
I'm reading Joe Boyd - My White Bicycle at the mo' and that's shaping up to be a cracker!
¡ Gracias por la recomendación !
Siempre tan interesante y sugerente
tu blog.
Un beso.
just a quick hello :) interesting recomendation...
Wow, u have such a coo blog :)
Will be following on it closer ;)
I've been meaning to read this FOREVER. I almost bought it on tape awhile ago but I would much rather read it. cool photo! I want to participate in this meme so bad, I will soon,maybe this week.
I'm going to amazon right now to add it to my cart!
I hope I'll read it, gracias Gabbi
can you believe I have never read this!? I must get to it ASAP, right?
beautiful copy you have here. hope you are having a fab monday. me, busy grading or not!
I heard about the scroll manuscript but had to idea a version of it was available commercially, thanks for the info!
The group sounds cool! I'm still considering...
For the meantime, I'm enjoying your submissions. Nice photos, my dear! :)
oooh the first draft...how wonderful...must look out for it...hope life is good dear one...
wow is it good ? because i'm searching for a nice book to read x) have a nice day !
i came across this book the other day, such a pretty cover. love to hear you review it some day!
very nice! the book and the photo:)
Oh! I began reading the original scroll of the book, but I stopped halfway. SO many edits, but the spirit of Jack is so much more involved.
I hope you are feeling better Gabbi, this is a great piece for your project!
I really love that book myself. He's one of my favorite writers. I hope your week has gotten off to a good start. Cheers!
台灣處亞熱帶最適於它的繁殖,危害最嚴重的有家白蟻及大和白蟻。在每年四月至九月間,一大群白蟻集體飛出巢穴追逐(颱風或大雨來臨之前)雌雄配對後,迅速地脫落翅膀, ... 在台灣,住的房子雖多為鋼筋水泥,但早期居住的木造房子,就常受到白蟻的侵蝕。
love that book!
come and check out my blog sometime
Hey! nice pictures, great blog btw, check out ours whenever you want. We invite you to follow it.
Oh, I've never read this before but you've gotten me all curious now.
Hope you're feeling better and doing well, dear Gabbi!
I've never heard of this one either, but I'm definitely gonna pick it up the next time I'm in the bookstore! Thanks for sharing. Awesome blog!
I love that book, and the photo is so awesome! I'd totally frame that!
I hope you're feeling better love!
Hope you're looking after yourself and feeling better dear girl...
Lovely! It's been too long since I read On The Road - I was sooo in love with Kerouac in high school. :) I haven't heard of the scroll version!! I should check that out.
eh. informative thoughts..
You are an amazing photographer and great blog, too bad you stopped blogging.
As for Kerouac, this was his greatest body of work,
my grandfather was his uncle.
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