Bittersweet Giveaway...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So thrilled that October is finally here, there seems to be a lot in the crispy air. And to help commemorate one of my best loved months I’m pleased to present to you, just in case you’re not already acquainted, the gorgeous creations of Bittersweets NY…
About Bittersweets NY and the genius designer and creator Robin Adams:
Are you as enamored with Bittersweets NY as I am? Do you have your eye on a Baby Vamp Ring or a Big Boy Vamp Ring now? Well, do I have amazing news for you… Robin, the aforementioned genius behind Bittersweets NY has very generously agreed to sponsor a giveaway of one of her Vamp rings in silver (either a Baby or a Big Boy, winners choice!)… and the contest is open to everyone!!
• To enter, you simply have to visit Bittersweets NY and tell us what else you love from the shop in the comments section of this post.
• This is open to all worldwide readers. A blog is not required, just be sure to leave a comment and an email address where you can be reached in the comments area.
• The giveaway ends Thursday October 29th at 11am, the winner will be choosen via
• Visit Robin’s blog *HERE* and become a follower of her blog!
• Or you can also blog, or Twitter this, leave me a comment with the link of what you posted…♥
Sources: Please note that all the Illustrations are by artist Hope Gangloff.
Hola, Gabbi!
I WAS gonna leave my e-mail here so I'm entered, but now that I've seen her FREAKIN AWESOME site, I have to post on it. SO- I'm working on the post now, and I'll give u a heads up when I'm done!
The evil eye ring and heart and dagger necklace, rapunzel necklace, and dagger charm are SO amazing!!!!!!!!! I want to put a piece of the jewelry on a character in my WIP book-It's inspiring work-Maybe I'll put a few lines from the book in my post-I think it would add so much this one character I've written! :)
Here's my e-mail either way tho! I FOR SURE want to be entered!!
Such a cool giveaway, Gabbi! I was blown away while looking at all the insanely creative pieces at Bittersweets NY. Wow. The Feather Bracelet and Feather Ring both caught my eye, as did the Silver Creature Ring. :)
Okay-Post will go up tomorrow-I'm falling asleep at the computer, and gotta give the post the attention it deserves. I'll still let u know when it's up! :)
Hi Gabbi! OMG such amazing things...and I love anything NYC automatically but WOW...
The Lady fingers bracelet is so up my alley, I might have to put that on my xmas list!! Thank you SO much for sharing this with us!!
I hope you are having a great week...yay Friday :) XO
Wowsers Gabbi dearest!! I covert everything here and on her very snappy looking website - very tricky to choose actually!!! I love the Lily ring - can I choose that even though it's pictured here? If not, I'll go for the Evil Eye Ring. Either would be heavenly!!!
Have a lovely, lovely weekend and say hello to that handsome chap of yours!! (Button up this weekend fingers crossed!! Such almighty dramas avec le internet and my blog account I can't tell you!!) XXXX
I'm not entering this because I don't wear rings, but I love it! SO cool!
WOW! You are the queen of totally covetable giveaways. The bio made me laugh and laugh. Welder-Flashdance - it's a combo that can't be beaten.
It *has* to be the lily ring. ALSO - I've twittered it and @'d you. Hope you can see it!
omg omg i love the creature ring II!!! amazing!!
Me quedo con la dentadura de Drácula en anillo o colgante.Me chifla.And by the way (y con tu permiso), algo que quería hacer hace tiempo: subir a Felinofelice en mi sección blogs deliciosos.
Hello again Gabbi! I blogged about your fabulous giveaway here! Hope that's OK! XOXO
Wow! What a giveaway!
How wonderful are the Luck Lady Finger Bracelets!?
Great shop.
wowee~Perfect giveaway Gabbi, since Halloween is coming up!
Those vampire rings are magic Gabbi - and love the illustrations too. Have a peep at this London's foremost rock 'n' roll jewellery store The Great Frog
Totally love the vamp rings but also am a fan of the earthworm bracelet. Very different. I like it.
This stuff is gorgeous! I love that lily ring - and just headed over to the site. Amazing rapunzel necklace (love that it can be worn so many ways!) and the feather ring, too! Thanks fo rthe post!
such wonderfully creative work. very exciting giveaway. my favorites are the teensy rings with colored diamonds, the sword charm, and the feather necklace. the divorce necklace cracks me up and i'm completely freaked out by the maggot charms.
wonderful artist!!!
what amazing stuff. the better question is what don't I want! Well the dancing snakes bracelet is divine. Love all the charms and I have to say I am a little boring and just adore those letter rings as well. Thanks dear Gabbi for the opportunity. I am off to tweet about this awesome giveaway, although I don't want to decrease my chances! :)
what a great giveaway!!! I may have to get one of those rings if I don't win!!!! I'm loving her work...the medusa cuff is so cool!
i would TOTALLY give the baby vamp ring to my best friend who LOOOOVES halloween. what an awesome, talented designer!
Another fabulous giveaway! What beautiful creations and oh-so-difficult to choose a favourite! I'm quite taken with the Baby Vamp Keepsake Ring :)
I'll go tweet about this awesome giveaway!
Just tweeted!
Thanks for hosting this Gabbi and have yourself a super weekend! xo
oh, love this giveaway! checked out their site and all things are great beside the ring that´s in this giveaway I really like the classic vampire necklace :)
now I´m gonna wait and see if I have any luck :)
have the best weekend Gabbi!
Happy October!
Cool jewellery:)
What a fantastic giveaway! Such wonderful jewelry too. I particularly love the Lily ring.
PS. sorry I haven't visited much lately! But I'm back in Australia now, and with much more time on my hands - will now be checking all of your past posts I've missed.
oh, and happy weekend!
Great giveaway!! I love the beating heart charm, soooo cool!!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend Gabbi!
Just tweeted about it!
And I'm following Bittersweet's blog!
they are all gorgeous...
really like the necklace, "rapunzel" and "arrow and psyche" are fab!
count me in!
That is so generous of Robin! I love her Love Is Blind ring, such a clever concept but I also loved the Unicorn charm, it must look striking on a long chain.
Sorry, mi inglés es muy limitado.
Pero quiero decir que tu blog es
Kisses. :-)
The rings are so damn feirce!!
omg love the The Feather Bracelet!!! hope iw in!!!
ericaloves At
What a generous and awesome giveaway!! I love the baby vamp necklace - can't get enough of those little teeth. :)
The post with my writing inspired by BittersweetNY is UP!!
Come read!!
And-no worries about me freakin if I don't win. I mean, I WANT to win, but I'll be excited for anybody who wins! :)
omg amazing!!! love love love the evil eye ring!!!
love the detail on the Unicorn charm!!!
rubyroseandrews (at)
I love the Heart&Dagger necklace! The coolest!
What a great giveaway! I totally can't get over how awesome the baby vamp rings are. My other favorite is the feather ring.
I fell for the classic vamp necklace and the rings!!
It's an amazing giveaway!!
My mail is
kisses Christiana!
Hello there. Not worried about entering, but I did want to comment. Great post as usual. I really do enjoying seeing what you will post next. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend. Take care. Have a fantastic week ahead. Cheers!
omg lov ethe classic vamp necklace!!
Wow! What an original work this is,
it shows such personality!
My favorite would definitely be the feather bracelet.
I love the charm bracelet and all the little charms that go with it. Truly charming!! But best of all I like the maggots, wriggling about. They look very real, but so much sweeter than the real thing! I think these might really be lucky! I haven't seen any of these lovely things in UK yet - but maybe I haven't been in the right shops?
love this, the feather ring is amazing!
gorgeous-I love this!! xx
ooh no! i've been loving the baby vamp ring forever! so good. i love the lady luck finger bracelets too, wow!
Very cool pieces, darling Gabbi!
Love the sketches too!
I think I need a fang necklace!
what an amazing giveaway!
of course i love the rapunzel necklace! :)
Ha! This is great - that vamp ring is the cutest! (that would be our pick if we were to win!) You always find the coolest stuff Gabbi! Her web store is wonderful!
What else do I like? What else do I NOT like would be faster...
I wear lots of shirts so I fell in love with the heart cufflinks.
Not to mention the Love Is Blind ring.
Just back from a few days in NYC with our dear Chloe... I blogged about it, check it out!
Gabbi!! Thank you so much! this is such a fantastic giveaway! so many fabulous pieces. I really like the Black Eyed Susan necklace as well!! Hope you had a great weekend! :)
These are so, so awesome!
Other items I like: the teensy rings with colored diamonds (so perfect and dainty) and the rapunzel necklace (holy pearls, batman!). Very cool. Also, I have a US mailing address, so don't worry - not too far away!
I'm off to visit her blog :)
What a great giveaway! I love the baby vamp rings! My other favourite is the Medusa necklace-fantastic! I love the story of how Bittersweet came to be as well.
Oh my! I covet the baby vamp keepsake ring - wow! Love all of their beautiful goodies. - :-D
Hi Gabbi!
I loved these rings, so I went to and fell in love with the sword necklace!!!
have a good week!
Hi Gabbi,
First off as always love ur blog. Always so cute and tons of interesting things. I love your give-away from Bittersweet. Im not too much into jewerly but always love something that is so different. This line is just that, I especially love the Black creature ring. Girlie yet has a twist on the band that makes it a bit animal like. Thanks for all the time you put into you blog.
Oh goodness!
What dont I like... hah!
I would say my favorites are the earthworm series. The ring and bracelet are both pretty amazing. I hate real worms, but I have always like looking at them. I am like that with spiders too... I hate HATE them, but love spider jewelry. I am also in love with the teensy rings with colored diamonds. They are delicate and perfect!
Amazing give away!
i really don't know what i don't appreciate on this jewels....
I have a very classical style, a little retro, but i love, absolutely love wearing funny jewels that says : hey, i'm more than a skirt and a shirt!
I love the Lily X necklace, and also the baby vamp charm.... and all the baby vamp collection!
my email anne [[at]] zephyree [[point]] net
Ooh there are so many fantastic pieces in that shop! I'm especially loving the dancing snakes bracelet.
i like the ring, i need one urgently
I have been in love with bittersweets since I first laid eyes on my friends baby vamp ring back in high school! It was a gift though, so neither of us knew where we could pick up more of these goodies. I absolutely love the heart heart charm, the classic vamp pieces, the earthworm ring, and the delicate victorian-ish initial rings. I'm saving up to start my collection-I'm sad they don't have a store anymore, from the pictures it look gorgeous...
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Hello man!
It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
hi, new to the site, thanks.
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